On the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Niš, the ceremony was held on Monday, 3rd December 2018, at Faculty of Arts Concert Showroom. The ceremony was attended by prof. Tibor Sabo, PhD, Assistant Minister of Science at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Marko Milenković, PhD, State Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, prof. Dragan Antić, PhD, Rector of the University of Niš, prof. Nenad Pavlović, PhD, Vice-rector, Academician Ninoslav Stojadinović, President of the SASA Branch in Niš, prof. Milorad Mitković, Vice President of the SASA Branch in Niš, prof. Biljana Radovanović Brkanović, MA, vice-rector of the University of Arts in Belgrade, professor emeritus Darinka Matić Marović, also the highest city officials Darko Bulatović, Mayor of the City of Niš, Ružica Djordjević, Secretary of the City Assembly, the president of the municipality Pantelej Bratimir Vasiljević, and the Srdjan Jovković, Mediana municipality counselor, as well as the deans and vice-deans of the University of Niš faculties, church representative Savo Krčo, Lieutenant Colonel Vladan Aritonović, directors of cultural institutions, guests from Kragujevac, Leskovac, Knjaževac, Ćuprija, Vranje …

Prof. Suzana Kostić, PhD, the Faculty Dean handed in special gifts to retired professors on this occasion. The students of the generation with the best average grade and the students with the best average grade at the department awards and recognitions were presented by the vice-dean for education prof. Milena Injac, PhD. The Council of the Faculty awards the Faculty’s acknowledgments to the most important institutions and personalities that have contributed to its development and affirmation. Also, on this occasion, the most successful students were awarded for their work and dedication representing in the best way the Faculty, Niš and Serbia. The charter, as the most important recognition of the Faculty, was awarded to prof. Dragan Antić, rector of the University of Niš. The plaque, as a high recognition of the Faculty, was awarded to the Faculty of Fine Arts Veliko Trnovo, Bulgaria, the State Institute for Culture Kemerovo, Russia, Municipality of Mediana, Niš, Trio Anima and Trio Art Family, which consist of Faculty teachers. Diplomas for long-lasting successful cooperation were awarded to Novak Novaković, director of the Horeum Margi-Ravno Museum, Ćuprija, Knjaževac Cultural Center, Rotaract Club Niš, and Vesna Gagić, Faculty of Arts librarian. The awards were given by prof. Katarina Djordjević, MA, Vice-Dean for Quality and International Cooperation. Prof. Danijela Stojanović, vice-dean for artistic and scientific work handed in the awards to the students for outstanding results in the artistic and theoretical field.

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