It is my honor and pleasure to greet you in front of the Faculty of Arts, which marks 20 years of existence and work, on 3rd October 2022.

Twenty years in a person’s life represents at the same time – true youth and the first maturity. Twenty years of the faculty is not such a big jubilee, but it marks one in a series of anniversaries that await our Faculty of Arts. By its celebrating, we are surely stepping into the future by creating new generations of artists and educators.

We are proud of the achievements of our professors, associates, current and former students. We cannot help but refer to the constant lack of space and difficulties in obtaining adequate teaching equipment. We are grateful to everyone who has helped us all these years, because we have confirmed with our artistic and scientific activity that we are a hub in the art and science of art in this part of our country, with the intention of significantly expanding our activity to the region.

We thank our students for choosing us and the opportunity to rejoice with them, as they bring their creative ideas to life under our supervision. Dear students, thank you for winning awards, showing initiatives for exhibitions, concerts and properly fulfilling your teaching obligations by gifting our city and this part of Serbia with opera performances, recitals, chamber concerts, exhibitions and thereby making the spirit of art available to everyone.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Faculty non-teaching staff in all services, namely the General and Legal Affairs Service, the Material and Financial Operations Service, the Building Maintenance and Security Service, the Student Affairs Service, the Library, the Computer and Information Center and the Multimedia Center.

I and my vice-dean’s team are sure that, guided by academic ethical principles, we will boldly step forward to meet new artistic challenges and be a source of pride for the academic community, our city and the Republic of Serbia.

Vivat Academia!

In Niš, 27.09.2022.

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