International Student Complementary Piano Competition

Competition Propositions
General Provisions
- VII International Student Complementary Piano Competition is open to all students of the theoretical departments, composition, conducting, musicology, solo singing, accordion, for students of Master academic studies, as well as music high schools students incorporating piano as a comparative subject.
- The organizer of the competition is the Faculty of Arts in Niš.
- The competition will be held in the Concert Showroom of the Faculty of Arts in Niš (Knjaževačka no. 2a).
- The aim of the competition is encoraging motivation and affirmation of young artists, as well as encouraging their personal creative potential through performance.
- Applications for participation should be sent by mail or e-mail until 10th May 2018 to the organizer’s address (the postal stamp date or mail date will serve as evidence of compliance with the set deadline). The application should be forwarded together with the following enclosures: a xeroxed copy of the applicant’s index (student course and grade booklet), a color photograph suitable for publication (usual passport size) and a proof of payment of the registration fee (see instructions in Item 21).
- The general schedule of performances shall be published in advance in a brochure, while the timetable and order of performances will be set by the members of the Organizing Committee, depending on the number of participants in each category.
- The competition will be organized in one pre-category and five categories:
Pre-category: third year pupils and fourth year pupils of music high schools (program duration up to 10 minutes)
Category I: first-year students and second year students of the Faculty (up to 15 minutes)
Category II: third year students and fourth year students of the Faculty (up to 20 minutes)
Category III: piano-duos of the third year pupils and fourth year pupils of music high schools (up to 10 minutes)
Category IV: piano-duos of all-year students of the Faculty (up to 15 minutes)
Category V: students of Master academic studies (up to 15 minutes)
- The competition program is free in all categories. The competition propositions require playing of three compositions from different epochs and of different character. Students and pupils taking part in the competition with competitors’original author work, in addition to their own composition, may perform two compositions from different epochs and different character of their own choice. Performing original author composition can last longer than limited, which should be reported by candidates to the competition organizer.
- The competition will be open to the general public, and the program will be performed without sheet music, except for the piano-duos category in which performing a program with sheet music is allowed.
- Performance of certain movements from sonatas, suites and other cyclic forms will be allowed in all categories.
- The organizer will provide adequate media coverage of the whole event, first via the Internet, and then using classical reporting methods (radio, local TV stations, the National Television, press). Also, performances of all participants will be recorded on the high-quality equipment. It is possible to take a CD at a price of 500 rsd.
The Jury
- The contestants will be evaluated by a jury made up of 5-7 renowned piano pedagogues from the country and abroad. The Jury members will be appointed by the Competition Committee.
- The Jury will award the first, second and third prize in all categories, as well as prize for the original author work.
- The Jury may award a special prize for the best performed piece.
- The Jury may also award a special prize for the best original author composition.
- The Jury may also award a professor of the most awarded students.
- Decisions of the jury will be final.
Evaluation of Competitors
- The number of awards granted by the Jury per category is not limited.
- The participants will not be evaluated on the basis of one highest and one lowest score, but on the basis of the median calculated by adding up the rest of the points from the scoring lists, and then by dividing that sum by the number of values. The number of points required for the corresponding prize is as follows:
First prize: 90 – 100 points
Second prize: 80 – 89.99
Third prize: 70 – 79.99
Commendation: 60 – 69.99
Transitional and Closing Provisions
- The organizer will ensure that all the participants are given appropriate opportunity to practice on the piano on which he/she will perform the competition program.
- All the participants and their teachers will receive a certificate of participation.
- All the candidates for participation in the competition should enclose evidence of payment of the registration fee with their application until 10.05.2018. The registration fee will be as follows:
- a) 3,000 RSD for individual participants, as well as piano-duos from Serbia payable to the account of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, no: 840-2012666-89, reference number: 742121-10 (Purpose: Registration fee for the competition); b) 30 € for foreign participants and foreign piano-duos, following the payment instructions: User: Faculty of Arts in Niš, IBAN: RS35908500100015155182, SWIFT: NBSRRSBGXXX, purpose of payment: registration fee for the competition. For more information on payment from abroad, see Appendix 3.
- Should you need any additional information, please contact us: phone +381 (0) 64 189 2781 (Milena Rajković),
The contest organizer
Faculty of Arts in Niš
Kneginje Ljubice 10
18000 Niš
For registration:
Application form (word)
Index scan
Deposit slip
Applications should be sent to:
Deadline for application is 19.05.2019.
All the candidates for participation in the competition should enclose evidence of payment of the registration fee with their application until 10.05.2019.
The registration fee will be as follows:
30 € for foreign participants and foreign piano-duos, following the payment instructions:
Should you need any additional information, please contact us:
phone +381 (0) 64 189 2781 (Milena Rajković)
Friday 31.05.2019. 19h
Pierre Sublet, piano
Karl Heinz Stockhausen – Klavierstück IX (1954-61)
Dianna Vasiu, piano
Claude Debussy – Prelude 6
Sigismund Toduță – Passacaglia
Saturday 01.06.2019. 20h
Jelena Simonović-Kovačević, piano
R. Schumann – Faschingsschwank aus Wien op. 26
G. Bacewcz – Toccata form Sonata n. 2 (Vivo)
Jordi Camell, piano
Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909) – Mallorca, Barcarolle op. 202 (1890) and Asturias(1894) (from Chants d’Espagne)
Enric Granados (1867-1916) – El amor y la muerte(1911) (Ballad of Love and Death) from Goyescas and El Pelele (1911)
Frederic Mompou (1893-1987) – Prelude for a lefthand
Salvador Brotons (1959) – Toccata op. 63 (1993)
Friday 31.05.2019.
The opening ceremony of the competition / Concert
Pierre Sublet, piano
Dianna Vasiu, piano
Saturday 01.06.2019.
08:00 – 09:00 Akustične probe / Acoustic rehearsals
09:00 – 11:00 I category (I & II year students)
11:00 – 11:45 Pause
11:45 – 13:45 I category (I & II year students)
13:45 – 14:45 Pause
14:45 – 15:05 V category (master students)
Jelena Simonović-Kovačević, piano
Jordi Camell, piano
Sunday 02.06.2019.
09:50 Pre-category
10:00 – 11:20 II category (III & IV year students)
11:20 – 12:00 Pause
12:20 – 13:40 II category (III & IV year students)
14:40 – 15:00 IV category (piano duo)
15:00 – 17:00 Pause
17:00 Winners concert
Saturday 01.06.2019.
09:00 – 11:00
I category
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija / Klasa: Nenad Stošić
J. S. Bach – Preludijum br. 2, DTK 2
M. Moszkowski – Etida g-moll , op.72 br.2
C. Debussy – The girl with the flaxen hair
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija / Klasa: Dragan Jovanović
J. S. Bach – Troglasna invencija h moll br.15
C. Czerny – Etida op.740 br.24 As dur
D. Despić – Vignetten op.43 (izbor 1, 2, 6, 8, 9 i 10)
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Nataša Cvetković
J. S. Bach – Troglasna invencija c moll , br.2
E. Neupert – Etida A dur , op.17 br. 19
B. Bartok – Rumunske igre, br.2 i br.3
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Milena Rajković
J. S. Bach – Troglasna invencija g moll
H. A. Wollenhaupt – Etida op.22 br.1 As dur
M. de Falla – Nocturno f moll
Fakultet muzičke umetnosti Beograd / Etnomuzikologija / Klasa: Jelena Đajić–Levajac
J. S. Bach – Francuska svita br.2 c –moll, Allemanda
J. Haydn – Sonata Hob. XVI : 45 Es dur I stav
M. Tajčević – Balkanske igre br.4 i 7
Fakultet muzičke umetnosti Beograd / Muzička teorija / Klasa: Jelena Đajić–Levajac
J. S. Bach – Preludijum i fuga E dur, DTK 1
W. A. Mozart – Sonata D dur, KV 284, I stav
F. Schubert – Impromptu As dur, op.142, br.2
C. Debussy – Suite Bergamasque, Prelude
Fakultet muzičke i pozorišne umetnosti, Temišvar, Rumunija / Muzika / Klasa: Dianna Vasiu
H. Bertini – Studiu in sol minor, op.29 nr.3
W. A. Mozart – Sonata in C major, KV 309, first part
G. Enesku – Suita in stil vechi, I Prelude
F. Liszt – Annees de Pelerinage, I Chapelle de Guillaume Tell
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Bisera Velјković
J. S. Bach – Troglasna invencija E-dur br.6
M. Ravina – Etida op.50 br.2
M. Tajčević – Balkanska igra br.2
11:45 – 13:45
I category
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Milena Rajković
J. S. Bach – Troglasna invencija h moll , br.15
E. Neipert – Etida fis-moll
N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov – The Flight of Bumble Bee
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Milena Rajković
J. S. Bach – Francuska svita br.1, d moll, I i II stav
E. Neupert – Etida br.5, A dur
B. Glavina – Nocturno
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Dragan Jovanović
J. S. Bach – Preludijum i fuga B dur, DTK I
V. Mokranjac – Etida b moll, br.4
S. Rachmaninoff – Muzički momenat br.3, h-moll
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Nataša Cvetković
J. S. Bach – Francuska svita br.4, Es-dur, Allemande i Sarabande
C. Majer – Etida op.168 br.11 Es dur
B. Bartok – Roman an folk- dances br.2 i br.4
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Solo pevanje / Klasa: Bisera Velјković
D. Scarlatti – Sonata f-moll, K466
E. Neupert – Etida br.14, fis-moll
V. Mokranjac – Igra br.3, gis-moll
Akademija za muziku Ljublјana / Muzička pedagogija / Klasa: Marta Kržič
J. S. Bach – Preludijum i fuga B dur, DTK I
L. v Beethoven – Sonata d-moll, op.31, br.2, Largo-Allegro
A. Scriabin – Etida dis-moll, op.8, br.12
Akademija umetnosti Novi Sad / Etnomuzikologija / Klasa: Jelena Simonović Kovačević
G. F. Handel – Svita a-moll, Allemanda
W. A. Mozart – Sonata F-dur, KV 280, I stav Allegro Assai
I. Stefanović – Tokata 1993
Akademija umetnosti u Novom Sadu / Muzička pedagogija / Klasa: Jelena Simonović Kovačević
T. A. Arne – Sonata br.1 F-dur, I stav Andante
M. Clementi – Sonata op.13 no.6, I stav
H. Cowel – Aeolian Harp
14:45 – 15:05
V category
Akademija za muziku Ljublјana / Orkestarsko dirigovanje / Klasa: Marta Kržič
J. S. Bach – Preludijum Fis-dur, DTK I
W. A. Mozart – Sonata B-dur, KV 333 Allegro, Andante cantabile
D. D. Shostakovich – Preludij es-moll, op.34, br.14
Sunday 02.06.2019.
09:50 – 10:00
Muzička škola Niš / IV razred / Klasa: Sanja Simonović
J. S. Bach – Preludijum i fuga DTK II c moll
W. A. Mozart – Sonata KV 545 C dur I stav
A. Khachaturian – Valcer iz svite „Maskarada“
10:00 – 11:20
II category
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Slobodanka Pajić
J. S. Bach – Preludijum f moll, DTK I
C. Czerny – Etida op. 740 br. 41 a moll
C. Debussy – Prelude br.8, La fille aux cheveux de lin
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Bisera Velјković
J. S. Bach – Preludijum b-moll, DTK I
S. Rachmaninoff – Etida op.33, br.8, g-moll
R. Shchedrin – Humoreska
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Milena Rajković
J. S. Bach – Preludijum i fuga e moll, DTK I
I. Moscheles – Etida op.70 br.12
B. Glavina – Minijatura br.3
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Milena Rajković
J. S. Bach – Francuska svita h moll, Allemande i Sarabande
F. Liszt – Etida br.2, a-moll
B. Glavina – Eterični preludij
12:00 – 13:40
II category
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Nenad Stošić
J. S. Bach – Preludijum d moll, DTK I sveska
F. Liszt – Etida br.1
J. Brahms – Capriccio op.116 br.7
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Milena Rajković
W. A. Mozart – Sonata no.10, C-dur, KV 330, I stav
F. Chopin – Polonaise br.15, B-flat minor
B. Glavina – Miniature, Memory in blue, a-minor
Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu / Muzička teorija i pedagogija / Klasa: Bisera Velјković
J. S. Bach – Preludijum gis-moll, DTK I sveska
P. Glass – Etida br.8
F. Schubert – Impromptu Es-dur, op.90 br.2
Muzička akademija Baku, Azerbejdžan / Osnovne studije / Klasa: Siala Sinamdzgvarishvili
L. Beethoven – Sonata no.23, I stav
F. Liszt – Etude f-moll
J. S. Bach – Prelude from Partita no.2 c-mol
Akademija umetnosti u Novom Sadu / Muzička pedagogija / Klasa: Jelena Simonović Kovačević
J. S. Bach – Preludiju Fis-dur, DTK I sveska
J. Haydn – Sonata F-dur, Hob XVI /23, I stav Allegro Moderato
C. Debussy – Arabeska br.1
IV category
28. ALMA ORAŽEM , III godina / PETER BARBO, IV godina
Akademija za muziku Ljublјana / Muzička pedagogija / Klasa: Marta Kržič
W. A. Mozart – Adagio in Allegro iz Sonateu F duru, KV 497
A. Dvoržak – Slovenski ples e-moll, op.72
A. Piazzolla – Libertango
Winners concert
Competition coordinator
Milena Rajković
Competiton director
Prof. dr Suzana Kostić
Dean of Faculty of arts, Niš
Competition secretary
Stevan Spalević
Competition commetee
Milena Rajković, chairman
Bisera Veljković, memeber
Slobodanka Pajić, memeber
Dragan Jovanović, memeber
Nataša Cvetković, memeber
Marko Micić, memeber
Pierre Sublet, president
Faculty of Arts, Bern, Switzerland
Jordi Camell, member
Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya – ESMUC
Vasiu Dianna-Luminița, member
Facultatea de Muzica si Teatru, Timisoara, Romania
Jelena Simonović Kovačević, member
Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad
Dragan Jovanović, member
Faculty of Arts University in Niš
Nataša Cvetković, member
Faculty of Arts University in Niš
Dragan Tomić, member
Faculty of Arts University in Niš
Pierre Sublet
Piano studies and Prix de Virtuosité in Geneva, then work on twentieth century music with Claude Helffer in Paris. Recipient of numerous prizes in national and international competitions, as soloist or chamber music player. Until age 30, concert performer in Europe, in the USA, in South America, numerous radio and TV recordings. At age 30 stops going on stage. Invited to teach piano and fortepiano master classes in numerous institutions in Europe, Brasil, China… Member of the board of the Bienne/Bern highschool from 1984 to 2001.Initiator of the « contemporary music workshop » since 1989. Initiator of a pedagogical project in Bolivia, a collaboration of the music academy with Pro Helvetia and the University of Sucre. Vice chair of the of the Swiss Association of Musicians until 2001. Until 2009, artistic director of the Paul Klee Ensemble, resident in the Paul Klee Center. In the context of transdisciplinary projects, collaboration with such artists as Bruno Ganz, Alfred Brendel, Roman Signer, Marianne Pousseur. Pierre Sublet has specialized in music of the second half of the twentieth century. He has staged the world premiere of several dozen works. Today he teaches piano, instrumental theatre and contemporary chamber music at the HKB, where he serves as dean of piano classes. Besides, Pierre Sublet shows deep interest in good cooking, as well as in the repertoire of the eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth centuries, performed on period instruments, pianoforte or clavichord.
Jordi Camell
Jordi Camell, a catalan pianist with an extended professional career, received his training in Tarragona, Barcelona, Paris and London. As an artist with a distinguished communicative capacity he has been described as a pianist gifted with a transparent and brilliant sound with an extensive range of colours. In 1984 he receives the “Diplôme Supérieur d’Exécution” as premier nommé from the École Normale de Musique in Paris. His constant strive for exploring new repertories drew him participate in concerts throughout Europe together with contemporary music ensembles such as Barcelona 216, Solistas de Ibercamera and the Orquestra de Cambra del Teatre Lliure. He also performed as a soloist with the OBC of Barcelona, Orquesta Sinfónica del Vallés, Filharmonia de Cambra de Barcelona, Orquesta Sinfónica Empordà-Llenguadoc-Roselló, Orquesta Ciudad de Granada, and others interpreting concertos by Schumann, Mozart, Shostakovich, Poulenc, Gershwin, Albéniz, Brahms, Grieg, etc. A lively musician open to all styles Jordi Camell collaborates closely with Vicky Peña for a Kurt Weill recital (with over 50 performances throughout Spain), with Cesc Gelabert (for the show Preludis, which toured through Spain, Europe and the United States for three years), accompanying him with pieces by Bach, Chopin, Debussy, Mompou and Carles Santos, as well as with Mario Gas (Miguel Hernández recital) among others. Jordi Camell released Integral para piano de Pau Casals with World Premiere Recording (Ed. Columna Música, 2012), “Chopin Variations” commissioned by the Consulate of Poland in Barcelona (a CD with works by the Catalan composers Mompou, Balada, Brotons, Amargós and Camell, who wrote pieces for piano on themes of Chopin (Columna Música, 2013), Antes y después de Iberia by Isaac Albéniz (Ed. Columna Música, 2009), the integral works for piano by Robert Gerhard and various Goyescas by E. Granados (Ed. Moraleda, 1994), Dúo clarinete y piano with Josep Fuster (Anacrusi, 1998), Works by Ricard Viñes, Francis Poulenc and the Pictures of an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgski (Ed. Discmedi, 1999), Binomis with the Cobla Sant Jordi (Ed. Columna Música, 2008) etc. Parallel to his concerts Jordi Camell performs pedagogical activities like master class and concerts in Xiamen in China, in the Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, in the Faculty of Arts in Nis, Serbia, in the Gnessins Academy of music in Moscow, in the West Virginia University (West Virgínia, USA), in the University of Kentucky School of Music (USA), in the Academy of Music in Krakow (Poland), etc. Currently holds the position Professor for Piano at the Catalan Music University Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC) in Barcelona.
Vasiu Dianna-Luminița
Dianna Vasiu is an award-winning pianist from Timisoara, Romania. Her wide artistic activity includes concerts with Philharmonic orchestras, solo recitals, chamber music, four hands/ two pianos concerts and also concerts with Opera singers. She has performed in Romania, Germany, Hungary, Latvia and Spain. Dianna currently works at the Faculty of Music and Theater in Timisoara, teaching also complementary piano for students in the Pedagogy and Opera Singing Departments. She graduated from The West University of Timisoara, The Faculty of Music, with majoring in Instrumental Interpretation – piano and Musical Pedagogy, and she has a Master’s Degree in Interpretation and Theory of Contemporary Musical Art – piano. Currently she is a Ph.D. student, working on her thesis ”Artistic Imagery in Claude Debussy’s 24 Preludes”. Dianna pursues a rigorous continuous education plan in piano through master classes with renowned pianists and musicians: Albert Mamriev, Timur Sergeyenia, Gabriel Amiras (Germany), Felicia Stancovici, Remus Georgescu, Ioan Fernbach, Daniel Goiti, Dragos Mihailescu, Manuela-Iana Mihailescu (Romania), Lea Adam Litzler (Franţa), Tamas Vesmas (Noua Zeelandă), Logan Skelton, Zhihua Tang (SUA), Maurizio Barboro, G. Lanfranchi (Italia). Throughout her career, Dianna has been awarded more than 40 national and international distinctions, special awards and other excellence awards for participating in various festivals, competitions and artistic appearances. Inspired by her daughter, she founded Doremi Association for Children. The Association promotes music as a way of life, with musical programs that are created and implemented with a foundation based on encouragement and with the main goal of optimizing the individual potential of each child. Numerous appearances in media praised Dianna’s work, be it as a soloist pianist, in bands or in her capacity as Doremi Association for Children President, as a trainer for early musical education or as a planner for education, musical and charity events, with a high involvement in the community life.
Jelena Simonović Kovačević
Jelena Simonović-Kovačević earned her Bachelor’s degree in piano performance at the Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad, under the guidance of the esteemed Maestro and professor Kemal Gekić. In 2002, Ms. Simonović-Kovačević earned her Master’s degree in piano performance from Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY, USA) under the guidance of Maestro Wei-Yi Yang. Ms. Simonović-Kovačević held both a graduate and a teaching assistantship during her studies at Syracuse University. She was also awarded the Irene Crooker Award for Excellence in Piano Performance. In 2005-2006, she studied for a Master’s degree in piano pedagogy at the University of Missouri (Columbia, MO, USA), where she also held a graduate teaching assistantship. She is a doctoral candidate at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. Ms. Simonović-Kovačević is a prize winner in several national and international competitions, including the Missouri Music Teachers’ Association in Columbia, Missouri, the International Piano Competition in Moncalieri (Torino), Italy, and the Yugoslav Piano Competition in Niš. Additionally, she was a semi-finalist at the International Piano Competition in Vibo Valentia, Italy. She has played in master classes for a number of internationally recognized musicians, among them Naum Shtarkman, Boris Berman, Kemal Gekic, Diane Andersen, Arbo Valdma, Rita Kinka, and Svetlana Dejanović. She has held positions in numerous music organizations: The Isidor Bajić Memorial, the Yale SMN, the Odyssey Chamber Music Series, and the KotorArt Festival, to name only a few. She attended the 6th Annual World Piano Pedagogy Conference in Orlando, Florida (2001), Piano Pedagogy Conference in Austin, Texas (2006) as well as the World Piano Conference in Novi Sad (2014-2018.). Ms. Simonović-Kovačević began her professional career at the Isidor Bajić School of Music, as a piano professor—a position she held for more than 12 years. From 2002 until 2005, she was an honorary assistant at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, teaching sight-reading, history of pianism, and history of keyboard literature. Since 2014, she has been a professor at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, teaching Complementary Piano. Her students have garnered more than fifty prizes at national and international competitions. Ms. Simonović-Kovačević also originated a category in the field of Complementary Piano at the Isidor Bajić Festival in Novi Sad, where she furthermore served as a jury member. In addition to her relentless work championing young professional pianists, Ms. Simonović-Kovačević, also, is an active participant in her country’s cultural life and the dissemination of classical music to those who are either engaging in music in an amateur capacity, or have not been exposed to classical music at all. She is dedicated to educating and awakening her community to the importance of music, and, more specifically, to the importance of playing the piano. She has performed as a soloist across United States of America, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Serbia. In 2014, Ms. Simonović-Kovačević gave a talk in 2015. at the World Piano Conference in Novi Sad called “‘I always wanted to learn to play the piano’: Teaching Adult Piano Beginners.” Since then, she has become the first professor in Novi Sad to give master classes to adult piano beginners. Ms. Simonović-Kovačević is a member of EPTA Voyvodina, EPTA Serbia, WPTA, MMTA, MTNA, Woman’s Aglow Fellowship and she is a certified instructor for the Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM.)
Dragan Jovanović
DRAGAN JOVANOVIĆ, MA (1981) finished the Faculty of Arts in Niš in 2005, in the class of prof. Dragoslav Aćimović, MA, and later obtained his MA degree at the same faculty, in the class of prof. Zoran Jančić, MA. During his studies, he has formed the chamber ensemble Trio Graziosso, and after finishing his master studies he has become a member of the piano trio Constantinus. Both ensembles have actively participated in enriching of the cultural life of the region. Since 2007, he has worked at Faculty of Arts in Niš, in title of the Assisstant Professor at the subject Piano, at Department of General Music Pedagogy
Nataša Cvetković
Nataša Cvetković (1981) was born in Leskovac, Serbia, where she has finished Elementary and Secondary music school at the instrumental piano department. She has graduated from the Faculty of Art in Nis, in class of professor Dragslav Acimovic,with the highest mark. During her studies and later she has successfully performed as a solist, a chamber musician and an artistic accompanist in numerous concerts, competitions and festivals. Her students have won prestigious awards and honors. She is a permanent member of the commitee for the “International student complementary piano competition”, organized by the Faculty of Arts in Niš. Since 2018. she has been a head of the department for the complementary piano at the Faculty of Arts in Niš, where she works in the title of assistant professor.
Dragan Tomić
DRAGAN TOMIĆ, MA (1977) graduated at Department of Composition in the class of prof. mr Vojna Nešić. He started his postgraduate studies in the class of prof. mr Goce Kolarovski at the Faculty of Music Arts in Skopje, and finished them in the class of prof. dr Dimitrije Bužarovski. He has upgraded his knowledge and cooperated with the renowned professors, prof. mr Srđan Jaćimović, composer, also prof. mr Goce Kolarovski, composer and prof. dr Dimitrije Bužarovski, composer, pianist and musicologist. He has been the author of the compositions for various instrumental, vocal-instrumental and vocal ensembles. Among his compositions for the solo instruments, chamber and symphonic music are: The Symphonic poem no.1, Medijana – for the soloists, chamber choir and orchestra, The Uverture for the voice and symphony orchestra, The Sounds –for the chamber orchestra, Constantinus’ Fuga for string musicians, Roosters’ Singing (Petlovi pojev) – for a flute, piano, vocal and the chamber choir, The Female suite – for a female choir, Kyrie eleison – for mixed choir, Niš phantasy– for wind orchestra etc. He has cooperated as the accompanist, composer and arranger with the Academic Choir of the Students’ Cultural Centre of the University of Niš, the Female Choir of Students’ Cultural Centre (SKC) of the University of Niš, Niš Chamber Choir, the Academic Chamber Orchestra of Students’ Cultural Centre (SKC), Niš Symphony Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra Concertante of the faculty of Arts in Niš. His works have been performed at the concerts and festivals in Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Russia, Poland and England. During period 2006-2010 he was the Secretary of the International choral festival in Niš (IHS). He was Vice-dean for education during the period October 2012- October 2015. Currently, he works as an Associate professor at the undergraduate and master academic studies of the Faculty of Arts in Niš.
VI International Student Complementary Piano Competition 2018.
Friday 25.05.2018. 13:00
Koncertno-izložbeni prostor FU, Knjaževačka 2
Tatjana Surev, PhD – “Music as a tool of 21st Century Culture Education in the USA”
Irena Kofman, PhD – “Differences between Russian and American Schools in the Approach to Teaching Piano”
Saturday 26.05.2018. 20:00
Concert Showroom FA
The opening ceremony of the competition – CONCERT
Piano duo Irena Kofman – Tatjana Shurev
Chamber orchestra “Concertante” Faculty of arts in Niš
Iris Haefely Sublet, piano
Sunday 27.05.2018.
Concert Showroom FA
09:00 – 19:00 Competition
20:00 Concert – Piano duo Marta Kržič – Benjamin Govže
Monday 28.05.2018.
Concert Showroom FA
09:00 – 14:30 Competition
17:00 The closing ceremony of the competition
- IRENA KOFMAN, president – Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida USA
- ANTONI LICHOMANOW, member – The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music Varšava, Poljska
- IRIS HAEFELY SUBLET, member – Fakultet Umetnosti Bern, Švajcarska
- TATJANA ŠUREV, member – St Agnes Academy, Key Biscayne, Florida.USA
- MILOŠ PAVLOVIĆ, member – Faculty of Music Belgrade
- MILENA RAJKOVIĆ, member – Faculty of Arts University in Niš
- BISERA VELJKOVIĆ, member – Faculty of Arts University in Niš
- DRAGAN TOMIĆ, member – Faculty of Arts University in Niš
- Precategory (pdf)
- I category (pdf)
- II category (pdf)
- IV category (pdf)
- V category (pdf)
- Brochure 2018. (pdf)
V International Student Complementary Piano Competition 2017.
Friday 26.05.2017. 20h
The opening ceremony of the competition
Paris Tsenikoglou, piano
Sunday 28.05.2017. – The closing ceremony of the competition
- Frank Peters (Conservatory van Amsterdam i ArtEZ conservatory Arnhem i Zwolleu)
- Paris Tsenikoglou (University Mozarteum Salzburg)
- Marta Kržić (Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana)
- – Milena Rajković, (Faculty of Arts in Niš, Serbia)
- – Dragan Tomić, (Faculty of Arts in Niš, Serbia)
- Brochure 2017. (pdf)
IV International Student Complementary Piano Competition 2016.
20 – 22.05.2015.
Friday 20.05.2016. 20h
The opening ceremony of the competition
Miloš Pavlović, piano
Julija Bal, piano
Saturday 21.05.2016. 20h
Evening gala concert
Stevan Spalević, piano
Sunday 22.05.2016. 14h
The closing ceremony of the competition
Yasuyo Yano, chairman (Muzička akademija u Lucernu, Švajcarska)
Marta Kržić, member (Muzička akademija u Ljubljani, Slovenija)
Miloš Pavlović, member (Fakultet muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu, Srbija)
Julija Bal, member (Akademija umetnosti u Novom Sadu, Srbija)
Milena Rajković, member (Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu, Srbija)
Dragan Tomić, member (Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu, Srbija)
- Brochure 2016. (pdf)
III International Student Complementary Piano Competition 2015.
29 – 31.05.2015.
29.05.2015. 19h
The opening ceremony of the competition
31.05.2015. 19h
The closing ceremony of the competition
Milena Mollova, (Državna muzička akademija, Sofija)
Jordi Camell, (Catalan Music University Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya – ESMUC)
Branka Parlić, (Akademija umetnosti Novi Sad)
Milena Rajković, (Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu)
Stevan Spalević, (Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu)
Dragan Tomić, (Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu)
- Brochure 2015. (pdf)
- Rezultati 2015. (pdf)
II International Student Complementary Piano Competition 2014.
23 – 25.05.2014.
The closing ceremony of the competition
Milena Mollova, piano
Milena Mollova, chairman (Državna muzička akademija, Sofija)
Vladimir Valjarević, member (Mannes College, The New School for Music, New York)
Zoran Pehčevski, member (Fakultet muzičke umetnosti, Skoplje)
Milena Rajković, member (Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu)
Dragan Tomić, member (Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu)
LAUREAT – Dragan Maksimović
Nagrada za najbolje autorsko delo – Jug Marković
I International Student Complementary Piano Competition 2013.
25 – 26.05.2013.
24.05.2013. –
The opening ceremony of the competition
Stevan Spalević, klavir
Todor Svetiev, (Fakultet za muzčku umetnost Skopje, Makedonija)
Miloš Mihajlović, (Fakultet muzičke umetnosti, Beograd)
Milena Rajković, (Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu)
Dragan Tomić, (Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu)
Laureat – Jovana Minić (I kategorija, Fakultet umetnosti Niš; Klasa Slobodanka Pajić)
Nagrada za najbolje autorsko delo – Marijana Janevska – “Violet Vision” ( I kategorija, Fakultet muzičke umetnosti, Skoplje; Klasa Kristina Svetieva)
Specijalna nagrada za najbolje izvedeno delo – Matej Nikoljski – S. Rahmanjinov: Fantazijski komadi op. 3 br. 4 Polichinelle ( I kategorija, Fakultet muzičke umetnosti, Skoplje; Klasa Jovan Karovski)